Turning dynamic into static?

Lawrence R. Rogers (lrr@cert.org)
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 08:10:32 -0500

Speaking of shared object libraries and dynamic linking, is it possible to
turned a dynamically linked program into a static one with ld, ld.so, whatever?

If possible, Sun could distributed /usr/bin/login as a dynamically linked program and those who wish could make it static.

Consider the sysadmin who needs a set of known tools that they can carry around on a floppy, tools like ps, netstat, ifconfig, etc.  Those tools would be imune to various types of corruption of a system, changes to shared object libraries for example.  Sure, one could fetch GNU tools and build them statically but the vendor's tools may be preferrable.

Thanks for your thoughts.

                                        Larry Rogers
                                        Member, Technical Staff
                                        Trustworthy Systems
                                        Software Engineering Institute
                                        Carnegie-Mellon University
                                        Pittsburgh, PA 15213